$550.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Terms and Conditions:

There are no refunds. Given 24 hours notice, I am happy to reschedule. When purchasing group classes, workshops and teacher trainings there are no refunds or reschedules. If you have chosen a payment plan for Teacher Training - you are responsible for completion of all payments - period.

300 Hour Module 2: Prana & Ayurveda as Skill in Action (3 monthly payments)

 Module Two: Prana and Ayurveda as skill in action (50 hours)

In this module we learn in-depth work with the Prana Vayus and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy.

What you'll get:

  • 3-month course (meets one Sunday a month live in-person or on Zoom) Sundays June 9, July 14, August 4, 10AM - 4PM PST
  • Weekly content live on Zoom Tuesdays 9AM - 10AM PST
  • Recorded access to review again and again
  • A private 1-on-1 session with RenĂ© each month
  • Monthly Q&A Office Hours; email and Voxer support
  • 50 Hours of continuing education 
  • 3-month membership in The JoyWork Academy 

Set yourself apart as an expert in the art and science of yoga.