Have you completed a 200-hour training?
Are you ready to expand your knowledge and transform your teaching?




This is a deeply personal and intimate journey designed to help you become an exceptional teacher and guide. It is a training like no other! Develop your intuitive skills for healing and set your teaching apart by giving students the direct experience and knowledge that is only available through this uniquely transcendent training.

Create the change you want to see while supporting yourself financially and emotionally. With Personal Mentoring, Structural Yoga Therapy, Advanced Anatomy and Ayurveda as our foundation, we’ll venture beyond asana into the advanced practices of the Himalayan Masters. You will stand out as an excellent teacher and help put the teachings of yoga into action.

Upcoming Dates & Registration


Structural Yoga Therapy

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Module

December 1, 2024 - February 11, 2025


Learn to work with physical differences and the unique characteristics of the body through advanced anatomy, body reading and prescriptive yoga.

In this course, you will craft your own daily sequence that fits your availability and lifestyle. Learn to truly live your practice! 

What you'll get:

  • 3-month course (meets one Sunday a month live in-person or on Zoom) 
  • Weekly content live on Zoom or in your inbox
  • Recorded access to review again and again
  • Office Hours once a month (Q&A), email and Voxer support
  • 50 hours of continuing education
  • One private session each month with René 
  • 3-month membership in The JoyWork Academy 

Set yourself apart as an expert in the art and science of yoga.

Payment Plan: 3 x $550
Pay in Full: $1599
Module 4 & 5 Package: 6 x $540

I am exclusively offering the individual modules of my 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training. Payment plans are available:

1. Exquisite Sequencing 

Open enrollment

Learn to craft amazing classes that leave your students transformed. Set yourself apart as an expert in the art and science of yoga. 

2. Prana & Ayurveda 

Open enrollment

In this module we learn in-depth work with the Prana Vayus and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy.

3. The Art & Science of  Kundalini Tantra

September 8 - November 3, 2024

While there are many practices to share with your students, this module is for YOU! Delve into the yoga of transformation and Kriya. This module includes a weekend retreat in Sierra Madre!

4. Structural Yoga Therapy

 December 1 - February 11, 2025 

Learn to work with physical differences and the unique characteristics of the body through advanced anatomy, body reading and prescriptive yoga.  


March 2 - May 4, 2025

Here we begin our look into Yoga Psychology and the science of the mind. Learn techniques to help with anxiety, depression and overcoming trauma from the yoga perspective. Step into your role as a healer. 


This very special experience is for you, if you:

  • Are seeking personal transformation in your own practice.
  • Want to deepen your knowledge of yoga.
  • Want to become a more skilled, intuitive and capable teacher, and excel in your field.
  • Are ready to discover your highest self through the advanced practices of pranayama, kriya, mantra and meditation.
  • Want to learn to apply yoga therapy, yoga psychology and the science of the subtle body to the challenges your students are facing.
  • Want to learn how to conduct private one-on-one yoga sessions.
  • Want to study with teachers who have a deep understanding of advanced yogic foundations and share them with humility, grace and humor.
  • Are committed to building your yoga business to make the money you need to support you and your family.
  • Are moved to be of service to others.
  • Are ready to be part of a living lineage and spiritual community that will support you on your path.

Step into your intuitive creative power


This deeply moving experience is offered in five 3-month modules with a final project submission to complete your 300/500 hour training. We do allow open enrollment - so you can join anytime.


  • 1-hour personal transformation session (per month) with RenĂ©
  • Professional mentoring
  • Second Sunday meeting every month 10AM - 4:00PM PST (live or in-person)
  • Weekly live and drip content
  • Weekend retreat included in Sessions 3 and 5 (housing not included)
  • Free membership in The JoyWork Academy (a monthly in-person or online community 9:30AM - 1:30PM PST)
  • Comprehensive digital manual
  • Bonus materials and weekly office hours included




A Curriculum with a Lineage

An in-depth training based on the traditions of the Himalayan Masters and the teachings of Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Mukunda Stiles, Sally Kempton and the California College of Ayurveda.

Focused & Intimate Class Size

Smaller class size means personal and meaningful connection with your instructors and fellow students. In addition, an intimate setting creates space for lively and informative conversations and Q&A sessions in real time.

Accessible Training Schedule

Weekly online lectures, practices, live Q&A and hot seat calls.

Two very special weekend retreats (Modules 3 & 5).

Comprehensive modular program that sets you up for integration and success.

Experienced Team of Teachers

René and her team distill a vast breadth of information with love, joy and humor. They translate yogic concepts in a way that’s fun, relatable and easy to understand.

Unparalleled Education

While many yoga teacher training programs seek to meet Yoga Alliance standards, few actually provide the mentoring time and attention that will help you move from teacher to master teacher. Yoga Madre’s 300-hour program not only meets all the requirements, but it also goes beyond them!

A Strong Community

Become a part of the Yoga Madre family! Connect with like-minded people in a sangha that will support you on your path.

“I have been teaching Yoga since 2001 and took the Yoga Madre 300 Hour Advanced Teacher Training 2020/2021. I was touched not only by the profound knowledge and teachings of René Quenell but also by her loving and inspiring guidance. The training opened a whole new understanding of yoga and myself, and I am thrilled to follow these teachings and Yoga Madre into the future. It’s a truly transforming experience.”


— Markus L., Basel, Switzerland

Course Curriculum

A brief overview of covered topics:
  • Exquisite Sequencing and Wise Progression (Vinyasa Krama)
  • The Energetics of Asana
  • Sequencing for a Desired Effect
  • Living the 8 Limbs of Yoga
  • Ayurveda, Yogic Diet and Nutrition
  • Advanced Practices of Pranayama, Meditation, Mantra, Tantra, Kriya, Kundalini and Vichara
  • Building Your Personal Sadhana
  • Structural Yoga Therapy and Advanced Anatomy
  • Prescriptive Yoga Techniques
  • How to Work 1-1 with Private Clients
  • The Subtle Body: Chakras, Koshas, Prana Vayus
  • Yoga Psychology and Yoga Science
  • The Business of Yoga, Ethics and the Role of the Teacher
  • Sound and Mantra
  • Yoga Nidra and Savasana, the Art of Relaxation
  • Self-Healing and Self-Care Practices
  • Special BONUS course on the Gods and Goddesses of the Hindu Pantheon
  • Email and Voxer support

Meet your teacher

René Quenell

René Quenell

René developed the Yoga Madre 200- and 500-hour trainings because she is passionate about sharing teachings that give you full access to the power of your practice.

With over 20,000 hours of teaching experience, she draws on her certifications in Structural Yoga Therapy, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy, ParaYoga® and the teachings of Sri Vidya to weave together a transformational experience to give you a unique and life-changing experience of the tradition of yoga.

She is an E-RYT 500, IAYT-Certified Structural Yoga & Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, and Yoga Nidra Trainer, as well as the former Director of Certification for ParaYoga® Master Training Programs. She has been initiated into the Sri Vidya tradition by her teacher Pandit Rajmani Tigunait of the Himalayan Institute.

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